This is Serena, and we are very happy to start this season on the farm and have a way to share all that is going on. Fred has enough computer time at his off-farm job, so I am taking on the website as my “job”. Our hope is to use this website and my blog posts as a way to inform, include, and inspire our customers, friends, family, and anyone else who wanders on to our page.
We broke down the posts into the following categories:
Our Animals: You can get acquainted with our animals and find out what we are doing with them. Moving the cows, new calves, working with horses, etc.
Projects: See what we are building and using on the farm. Trampoline wood sheds and chicken tractors, pallet trellises, etc.
Mother Nature: Learn about all the natural treasures and creatures found around the farm. Bird’s nests, turtles, our resident red shoulder hawks, etc.
Our Garden: What we are growing, ideas, and techniques I use in our garden. No-till gardening, permaculture, natural pest control, etc.
Recipes: Recipes I love and ones using what we grow in the garden and raise on the farm. Real pecan pie, how to brine chicken, chicory coffee, etc.
Farm Life: This is where I will post my week in reviews and use as a catch all for whatever doesn’t fit in the other categories.
So far I have posts about making maple syrup, making sugar, growing sweet potatoes, a real pecan pie recipe, how to brine chicken, and what we planning to grow in the garden this year all in the works. With a new batch of Freedom Ranger chicks coming, you can see how we care for them. Expanding our layers with Dorkings and creating a chicken oasis for them will show you how easy it is to have your own flock. Pigs are coming in May, so you can find out how we raise our pigs and learn along with me about making sausage and chorizo, curing ham and bacon, and making lye soap. I am starting the gardens as no-till plots, so you can follow along as I resist the urge to turn the soil.
If you are interested in buying chicken, beef, honey, or pork, availability and prices will be kept up-to-date under their respective category.
We have a lot planned this year so if you want to get email notifications of new posts, look to the right of this page and subscribe to our website.
We are looking forward to letting you have a peek into our farm life and joining us in this adventure.
Serena and Fred
Hello, your posts are truly inspiring ,I only read some of them,but that resonates 100 persent w me. Im only a home gardener with a small flock of sixteen,living in the middle of a new jersey suburb-but dreaming of a farm! Well,perhaps someday ! until i will keep reading your blog!! Much Love- Agnes
Good lookin website Fred and Serena !
we are so happy for u and fred, living your dream, it is great. i didnt see a place to order on your website, what are u planning on doing about orders u receive. of course leon and i can pick up what we order when it is ready, we would like to order 2 whole chickens if we can. thanks and congrads on your new web site.
I am working on getting a “Contact Us” form to place orders. I will put you down for 2. Thanks for your support and hope to see you soon.